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Which country or countries do you hold a passport for?
Would you be willing to be a known egg donor?
This means your identities are exchanged between you and your recipients to allow the exchange of necessary information for the both of you down the road. Sometimes these types of donations can develop into friendships organically.
Have you been bitten by an animal suspected of having rabies within the past 12 months?
Have you ever attempted suicide?
This does not necessarily exclude you from the egg donor program?
How many days are in your average menstrual cycle?
Typically a woman's period is 28 days from the start of one menstrual cycle to the next.
Please provide more details. (How many live births?)
Are you currently using contraceptive?
Do you smoke nicotine products?
i.e. cigarettes
Would you be willing to refrain from using all substances during the egg donation process?
This would start when you agree to donate to a specific clinic and parents until your retrieval occurs. Please expect to refrain for 3-6 months.
If so, where are you intending to travel and when?
Do you have any questions or concerns about the egg donation process?
We will go over these during your consult